Dinner Dance

Our annual prize giving took place at the Lyme Regis Golf Club on Saturday 23rd November. Over 60 members attended and were treated to an enjoyable sit down 3 course meal followed by a couple of hours dancing to the…
Our annual prize giving took place at the Lyme Regis Golf Club on Saturday 23rd November. Over 60 members attended and were treated to an enjoyable sit down 3 course meal followed by a couple of hours dancing to the…
In case you’re wondering about the extra fenced square to the seaward of the Monmouth Beach dinghy and trailer park, it’s designated as an exclusion zone by Natural England. They want to see what happens where no human activities take…
In advance of the Harbours Advisory Committee and Natural England visiting Lyme Harbour on Friday, the agreed area of Monmouth Beach which can be used by our Harbourmaster, is now being more permanently delineated. The Club’s dinghies will have better…
Although fewer attended the club this year, there were generous donations from club members for the Regatta and Carnival Fireworks display. Lyme was crowded, a total of over £5,000 was raised to secure the future of the traditional fireworks. Many…
Anyone coming to watch the Fireworks for 6.30 on Saturday 2 Nov? Can we encourage you to bring some coins for our Club collecting bucket please! Official collections at the event are held by the Regatta and Carnival Committee to…
Off Lyme on Monday.
This dinghy race was formerly the last on the year’s calendar, when everyone turned out in fancy dress. Afterwards, dinghies were packed up and taken home. Our old clubhouse was packed up too, closed for the winter. Times change, Winter…