
Changing Your Duty

The duty team has spent many many hours allocating the club duties for the year.  As usual they have tried to allocate them fairly taking into account individual preferences and experience.

We are proud to be an amateur organisation – nobody in the club is a professional sailing club duties organiser.  Due to the exceptional circumstances we find ourselves in there has been less time and more difficulty than usual in planning the season.  It is inevitable that mistakes will have been made and it may be that you are not happy with the duties you have been allocated.  Dutyman is set up to help you swap duties yourself and we ask that you make every effort to do this. 

Please avoid contacting the duties team except as a last resort.  Their time is just as valuable as yours.  The allocation of duties is probably the single most onerous job in the club.  If you feel you can improve it or assist with it the club would value your help when duties are being allocated for next season.