

The Club has an active cruiser fleet. Most craft occupy moorings in the Harbour but some of our members keep their boats out of port.

The harbour at Lyme Regis dries at low water which means that the cruisers must have bilge or lift keels.

Our mixed cruising fleet  consists of both bilge and lift-keels with keen racing & cruising, including a fleet of ten Hunter Medinas.

During winter, cruisers  are brought ashore and may be laid up in the Club boat park.  Please follow this link to view the updated Winter Boat Storage Regulations

Harbour Moorings: the club owns no moorings – these are administered by Dorset Council. There is usually a waiting list.

Crews of visiting boats are always made welcome  – access to our showers is available from the Harbour office.

Please visit us when our clubhouse is open for food, and a drink at the bar. 

There is plenty of space for visitors on the pontoons outside the Harbour, plus several visitors’ buoys which can be uncomfortable in anything but a calm sea state.  The harbour as a whole and particularly the pontoons are vulnerable to SE to E winds

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Cruiser WhatsApp Group Application - For Club Members Only

LRSC Cruiser WhatsApp Messaging Group

If you have WhatsApp on your mobile phone you may be interested in joining the LRSC Cruiser WhatsApp Messaging Group?


Members of the group are able to post messages and reply to messages – cruiser owners might post that crew is required for a race or voyage – crew may advertise their availability – a boat owner may want to let other boats know they are going for a cruise and invite others to join in.


This group is for any Club member to connect to other sailors who prefer not to get wet!


Fill in the form below and make an application to join the group. Applicants will be checked against the Club’s Membership Database and sent an email with a link to add yourself to the group.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

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