Emails have now gone out, inviting members to sign in to their new accounts on WebCollect.
See below for a quick guide:
Quick Guide to Filling Webcollect Data
You have been added to our new Membership Management System – Webcollect
A Membership is either for an Individual (Single person) or a Family Group (Multiple persons)
For every person there are 3 sets of data.
(1) Details – Name, Email, Phone Number etc
(2) Address – House, Street, Post Code etc
(3) Member Information – Experience, Duty Preferences, Boat information etc
Some of the information has been setup by importing data from the Club’s old Membership Management System. But we ask you to visit each of the 3 sets of data for every person in your membership in order to check what has been imported is correct and to fill in missing data.
See the example screen shots below which show how to get to the forms for these 3 sets of data.
Screen shot (A) for Individual Membership. (B) for Family Membership.
Note :- There are several ways to get to the 3 forms, but the main thing is to visit each form for each person in your membership. Remember to press SAVE after making changes to a form.
Finally dependent on which subscriptions you or your family group have with the club there may be some additional forms to fill in.
These may be for :-
(1) Car Park
(2) Boat Park
(3) Winter Cruiser Storage
These forms are accessed by pressing the “Manage/renew my Subscriptions” button.
Again see screen shot (A) for Individual Membership. (B) for Family Membership.
Any subscription with “View/Edit” in the “Form Details” column should be visited. Again remember to press SAVE after making changes to a form.
Screen shot (A) Individual
Visit each of the 4 places marked
Screenshot (A) Individual
Visit each of the 4 places marked.

Screen shots (B) Family
Visit the 2 places shown on first Screen shot. Then on second Screen shot visit “Details” “Addresses” and “Membership Information” for each family member by using the TABs at the top of the page.
Membership Forms (above) opens (below) :-