Tuesday Youth starts in a good NE breeze!

 We started our first youth sailing session of the season on the water in a fairly strong and variable northeasterly wind. Warm clothing was essential with the sea temperature still around 10 degrees. Our plan to introduce our newcomers to the Fusions, supported by our more experienced youth sailors helming in a group led by Simon, was very successful. Dave and Jim kept careful watch and sorted any problems on the water, backed by an efficient shore team.
Elliot with Edward. From this to….
And this!
Beginner Booker with Josh. From this….
To this!
The three new ILCAs sailed with Graham coaching from his, supported by Race Group sailors Issy and Tom in theirs.
.Lyra tries a Pico, and Harry a capsize!
Many of the intermediates coped well with the conditions sailing in the Picos under Jack and Ella’s watchful eye.
Picos, Joshua doing a bit of AI.
Harry in a calm patch, with buddy Tom.
Jack and Ella watching Henry.
Ollie in his Topper with the Picos. Photos: Jim
A few capsizes, but an exciting sail! Lots of smiling faces on return to shore, if cold fingers and toes! Well done everyone!
Jim and Sally