Sailing Racing at Lyme 1 October

> Commodore’s Cup Pursuit Race 1 October > > The Commodore’s Cup saw 12 dinghies enter with the unusual format of a pursuit race, sailed over 90 minutes, with handicap calculations beforehand to time starts for individual classes, slowest boats starting first. After the time limit, the leading dinghy is the winner. Race Officer Allan Tyler signalled starts from the Cobb Wall, while patrol helm Will Cook monitored progress from sea, relaying progress and the order of finishers by radio to Allan’s shore team. > Calculations are done before the race, everyone knows their result before coming ashore. Competition to catch and overtake those starting before them, or prevent being caught by those faster dinghies behind, is keen. > First off was youth Josie Bennet, ILCA 4, confused by the unfamiliar start line and having no leaders to follow in only her second Club race, she unfortunately headed for the wrong mark and was overtaken by everyone else. ILCA 6s sailed by Tom Rawlings and Mike Pridham eventually won, Mike having the best start but Tom making the windward mark in front having eased off the wind a little to maintain boat speed in the choppy sea. Both sailed consistently throughout the long race. Third was Andy Robinson in his Phantom, and fourth was Maggie Dunn in her Aero. Three boats retired, one being the 420 crewed on the trapeze by young novice Tom Wallace who deserves credit. >


> > Mike Pridham gets the best start to windward of Tom Rawlings, left, but was beaten to the first mark in the choppy sea. Photo: LRSC Ltd > > The racing programme continues throughout October, though the cruisers will be lifted out of the harbour next weekend. They had a last trip to Beer for lunch today. > > Full race results on the LRSC website.