All 6 club candidates on the RYA course at the weekend were successful! Experienced club and international dinghy racers still found it a steep learning curve on the first day, while benefitting from the expertise and enthusiasm of coach Becky Ellis. All took sessions with briefings and exercises at sea and were given individual briefings and action plans. Andy presented Becky with an engraved LRSC glass. Becky enjoyed the group and left us for her work with the Ellen McArthurTrust. Sally facilitated the course through Duncan West, RYA development manager for our region, with the support of the LRSC Committee, and Paul provided shore contact throughout. Jo will now be able to go ahead with the Saturday Youth group, our youth training for those who progress to RYA L4 by invitation. Many thanks to all who made this course possible at the club, and congratulations to our candidates! And to coach Becky, she was amazing!
Organisers and candidates with Becky as the course finished. Photo Dave Beer