Ed and Noah had sailed well, in testing conditions for their weight, to qualify for the Gold Fleet.
Dave writes about the situation they then faced, and the learning experience for them both.
Well done Ed and Noah!
‘The Gold fleet was made up of the best 70 Feva sailors in the world, so the usual starting practice didn’t work. Everyone was good, everyone knew which end of the line to start, no one made any mistakes, in the coache’s words, it was “brutal, one mistake and you were spat out the back of the fleet”
That was proven in the results, no one dominated, the winner had multiple results well into double digits, including a 36th and only won 1 race. Top 10 finishes went as far down the table as 57th!The week ended on a high for them with a 12th place in the last race, beating the winning boat by quite some margin. That made up for all the drama earlier in the week.They will both come home much better sailors and they are already planning to compete in the worlds next year. This time its a bit closer to home in the Netherlands.The cost of the trip was significantly more than they tried to raise, so everyones help and support has been much appreciated. The journey down and back was a lot longer than google estimated too, it took 29 hours of driving to get there and we had to fit that into 2 daysWe arrived back at 11pm this Sunday after a 17 hour drive. At 9am Ed was down at Sea School training. He called later that day and said he was also down for teaching in the evening, so after only 7 hours sleep he was in work for 12 hours!They are looking forwards to seeing everyone to tell them about their experience!’The final results can be found here https://rb.gy/qk4ny