Day 24: Wexford Ireland.
Ah well, win some…
I left Scova at 0600 and after I’d cleared the tide rips and turbulence off South Bishop Lighthouse I found the wind set WNW, right on the nose for Wexford, so had to zig zag tack all the way across, which is much much longer. I motorsailed to compensate and fight the strong currents. Around 1400 the wind died away. At 1500 the engine stopped. Fuel line blockage. Attempts to clear, futile. In light airs, and strong currents, I tried to crawl another 20 miles.
At midnight I dropped anchor in 15m off Wexford and slept.
O700 Ist. June I set off in a good breeze
for Wexford harbour which had many twists and turns around sandbanks, til at 1000hrs I anchored by the bridge. In town. Wexford, Ireland.