Sally Holman

Sally Holman

Race Group Sail 29 Jan

Cameron and Fraser stepped in to cover for Jerry and take the ILCA group out. Dave and Ed estimated F5+, interesting N/NWesterly showed varying conditions as they left the harbour. Simon calm in a gust Elliot, followed by Ben Ferdy…

Brass Monkeys 7&8 Jan 23

Uninviting conditions perhaps, but 10 of the 20 dinghies who have so far taken part in this series turned out on a cold Sunday morning, with RO Mike Pridham setting a triangle course for Race 7 and a sausage for…

Safeguarding Statement

Safeguarding Statement Lyme Regis Sailing Club (LRSC) is committed to safeguarding children taking part in its activities from physical, sexual or emotional harm, neglect or bullying. We recognise that the safety, welfare and needs of the child are paramount and…

Round the Course with GC

Keen ILCA group, and those who could get to Holmbush to walk down Cobb Road, were taken round race courses by Graham this morning, a talk from the clubhouse! It pulled together experience and previous coaching over recent months. By…

Winter Cool Down Series at Lyme

A smaller group of dinghy racers continue out of season with weekend racing whenever conditions permit. They rotate among themselves to manage the races on the water with PBI Dave Law helming the patrol Rib. 14 Nov. Races 3 and…