A keelboat experience at WPNSA for our Youth racers!

It was Jerry’s idea, and Chris worked with Duncan West to make it happen! The Elliott keelboats, as used in the 2012 Olympics at Weymouth, were available for keen youth sailors from 4 local clubs to have a go at keelboat racing. 8 of our race group took part, supported by their parents.


They were all enthusiastic and benefitted from the unusual opportunity. Crews of 4 per boat were made up of Lyme’s youth, with others from Castle Cove and Sidmouth. Jerry fixed for infilled places to be taken up by Lyme. All crews were mixed and rotated among helming and crewing jobs, to promote co-operation and build friendships among the keen youth sailors. Our parents did the transporting and support for the 8, and Duncan West, RYA Regional Race Development officer, was pleased with the results. A repeat opportunity might be possible, thinks Jerry.




Photos : Dave Stubbs