Our top PBIs, Jim Thomas and Dave Law, volunteered to take 6 of our keen youth sailors through their PB2 qualifications on 23/24 Oct. Their ages ranged from 12 to 16, all are members of the Race Group or Saturday Seamanship training, and have already helped at youth sessions and with LRSS. Jim and Sally wanted to encourage them and widen their skills, both with a view to their personal development and the sustainability of youth training at the club. Dave took two days off to join them and complete the team. Ed, Ed, Tom, Louis, Alex and Freddie benefitted from the combined experience, expertise and skills of Jim and Dave. Starting from their experience of sailing over several years, Jim and Dave were able to tackle topics in more depth than the course calls for – all had prior weather, sea and local conditions awareness . Two days, two PBIs, two different Ribs, a variety of sea and weather conditions, working with friends – ideal! Monday had a strong SE wind, surges through the harbour mouth but was good practice. Tuesday started off calm, then brought dark clouds with stronger winds and heavy downpours. All remained keen and engaged throughout. Many thanks to Jim and Dave for giving their time and to our young sailors for their enthusiastic participation! A contribution was made to club funds for fuel and use of facilities and to LRSS for providing the handbooks and certification.
Photo reminders of the course:
Photo reminders of the course:
Photos: Sally. PBIs: Jim and Dave. PB2s: Ed, Ed, Freddie, Tom, Alex, Louis