Ex inshore lifeboat

Ex inshore lifeboat, retubed, new engine and running gear about four years ago, 150 hours done. Road trailer, fish finder and cover£10,500 or offers.Contact Jeremy Wallace j.wallace671@btinternet.com
Ex inshore lifeboat, retubed, new engine and running gear about four years ago, 150 hours done. Road trailer, fish finder and cover£10,500 or offers.Contact Jeremy Wallace j.wallace671@btinternet.com
> Banbury Chaser and Dorset Triangle sailed at Sutton Bingham. > > A strong turnout of 10 dinghies travelled from Lyme to the reservoir to race at the weekend and received a warm welcome at Sutton Bingham SC. > The…
All looking good, thanks to the working parties! And the anti- foulers previously. Lettering next, signwriter lined up.