Month September 2022
Uffa Fox designed Fairey Fulmar

Dunsheen is one of the few Uffa Fox designed Fairey Fulmars left. Not many were built in the first place. Built 1960 she is the smaller sister of the Atlantas and big sister of the Albacore dinghy. She has a…
Please vacate club dinghy park!

As Tony’s circulation to dinghy owners, please remove your dinghy before 1 Oct. There seem to be rather a lot remaining……have you done yours? Please clear by Friday evening at the latest! Thank you, Sally.
Phantoms Nationals 2022 at LRSC 16 – 18 September

A great turnout of 81 members – by our best count – came together to make the Phantoms National Championships a memorable success for our club. The first major event for 3 years since the Fireflies, we set about managing…
Flying the Flag for Queen Elizabeth ll

Sadly, your club is now marking the death of our Queen by flying the Union Flag at half-mast. She has been the only monarch most of us have known, many tributes will be made by individual members and commemorative events…